Two New Webinars from EFCN
Mark your calendars now for two new small system focused webinars from our colleagues at the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN) as part of their training and assistance grant from EPA.
Ask the Expert – Advice on Water System Partnerships
DATE: January 12, 2017
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
This event explores ways that water systems can partner or collaborate to enhance their performance and capabilities. The webinar also looks at many of the ‘where do I start and what should I avoid and how do I retain control of my system’ type questions that frequently arise in partnership discussions. This online forum offers an opportunity for you to ask any and all questions related to water system partnerships and regionalization options.
Achieving Revenue Stability through Your Water Rate Structure
DATE: January 19, 2017
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
This webinar will explain how demand changes affect revenues and how water utilities can improve their revenue stability by modifying their rate structure design. The vast majority of a water utility’s revenues is directly dependent on the volume of water sold to customers. Water demand fluctuates from year to year, and numerous studies have shown that average residential demands are decreasing, placing much of a utility’s revenue at risk.