EPA’s Regional Water Teams
Did you know that EPA has a dedicated “Water Team” for each Region to provide support to states and utilities in times of emergency?
Regional Water Teams (RWTs) consist of trained EPA Regional staff from the drinking water, wastewater, and emergency response programs. RWT members have a background and specialized training in relevant EPA roles and authorities, drinking water and wastewater systems, the Incident Command System (ICS)/National Incident Management System (NIMS), and field health and safety considerations. RWTs can serve as a liaison with the state primacy agency and Federal Agencies such as FEMA; assist with sampling and analyses; and conduct needs assessments among a wide array of support tasks.
The list below identifies the Water Team Lead for each of EPA’s 10 Regions.
Water Team Leads
Region | Name | Phone | |
1 | Jane Downing | 617-918-1571 | downing.jane@epa.gov |
2 | Arlene Anderson | 212-637-3879 | anderson.arlene@epa.gov |
3 | Patti-Kay Wisniewski | 215-814-5668 | wisniewski.patti-kay@epa.gov |
4 | David Apanian | 404-562-9477 | apanian.david@epa.gov |
5 | Alicia Brown | 312-886-4443 | brown.alicia@epa.gov |
6 | Mark McCasland | 214-665-8088 | mccasland.mark@epa.gov |
7 | Ken Deason | 913-551-7585 | deason.ken@epa.gov |
8 | Michael Copeland | 303-312-6010 | copeland.michael@epa.gov |
9 | Bruce Macler | 415 972-3569 | macler.bruce@epa.gov |
10 | Johnny Clark | 206-553-6904 | clark.johnny@epa.gov |