EPA to Host Webinar on Ohio’s Efforts to Reduce Nutrient Pollution
EPA’s Watershed Academy will be hosting a webcast on “Understanding Nutrient Issues Affecting Ohio’s Inland Lakes,” on November 30 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET. This webcast will present information on Ohio’s efforts to protect and restore inland lakes from nutrient related impairments through the collection and use of data along with stakeholder engagement. EPA is providing technical assistance to Ohio to advance the state’s nutrient reduction efforts, specifically reducing the occurrence and impact of harmful algal blooms in inland lakes and lakes that are sources of drinking water. Rick Wilson from Ohio EPA will discuss: collaboration with Inland Lakes and drinking water program staff; steps to develop more robust lake management planning; and lessons learned at Grand Lake St. Marys and Buckeye Lake. Tetra Tech scientists will discuss two case studies as lake management models for other states.
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