New EFCN/AWWA Webinars
Our colleagues at the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN) and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) are partnering once again under the competitive grant award from EPA to bring helpful information to small drinking water systems. See below for the latest in the series.
Determining the Risk: Asset Management Risk Analysis Discussion and Available Tools
DATE: August 24, 2016
TIME: 1:30-2:320 (eastern)
One of the five core components of Asset Management is to determine the criticality of each of your assets. This can be accomplished by completing a risk analysis, which requires you to ask two questions about each asset: How likely is it that the asset will fail? and What are the consequences if the asset does fail? This webinar includes a discussion about completing an asset risk analysis, and will review a newly developed tool that can assist you in determining what factors to consider when evaluating probability of failure and consequence of failure by asset category. EFCN’s Heather Himmelberger will lead this discussion.
Are Your Rates Too High? Looking at Affordability of Water Rates
DATE: September 13, 2016
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
Concerns over affordability often stymie a needed rate increase. In many cases, the utility has not performed the relevant analyses to determine how extensive affordability concerns really are. This webinar will demonstrate how the “Water and Wastewater Residential Rates Affordability Assessment Tool” can be used to assess the level of affordability in the community, using parameters beyond the Median Household Income (MHI). The webinar will also include information and resources on how to design an assistance program for those customers who cannot afford their water bills. The programs highlighted will include options related to rates, as well as water efficiency. EFCN’s Stacey Isaac Berahzer will lead this discussion.