EN/EE Open Call August 1, 2016: Navigating and Optimizing Centralized Information Technology
The Exchange Network (EN) and E-Enterprise (EE) community periodically convene EN/EE Open Calls to increase information sharing among Partners. These calls are an opportunity for the community to gather and discuss topics of interest. The next Open Call, to be held August 1, 2016, at 3:00pm ET, is entitled Navigating and Optimizing Centralized Information Technology (IT). The Open Call’s panel will include:
- Andy Putnam, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment;
- Steve Nance, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency;
- Roy Duelfer, Montana Department of Environmental Quality;
- Denise Cody, Iowa Department of Natural Resources; and
- Roy Walker, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality.
Panelists will discuss: their experiences transitioning to centralized IT; how centralized IT has transformed their agency; and how the transition has impacted maintenance and support for their agencies’ Exchange Network data flows. Descriptions of the centralized IT structure for each of the panelists’ states are available at: http://www.exchangenetwork.net/01Aug16_OpenCall.docx.
To participate in the Open Call, please pre-register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5176677041479035138
Note that the webinar sponsors are using GoToWebinar® for the Open Call. Participants will enter the audio portion muted. To participate in the Q&A, please join the conversation via phone and enter the audio pin that appears on your GoToWebinar dashboard. If you must use your computer audio, please ensure you have a headset and speaker.
For more information or to provide ideas for future EN/EE Open Calls, please contact Kristen Durance at kdurance@rossstrategic.com or Lynn Capuano at lynn@exchangenetwork.net.