Adapting to Extreme Summer Weather
This week was National Hurricane Preparedness Week. Although not all of you are in ‘hurricane country,’ many of you will experience events that involve heavy rainfall, inland flooding, coastal storm surge, and/or high winds. So, what can you do to help utilities prepare? EPA has several tools that can help water and wastewater utilities prepare for, respond to, and recover from hurricanes or other significant storm events. Click each of the title below to learn more:
Hurricane Incident Action Checklist – This “rip and run” checklist can help utilities take action before, during, and after the storm.
Storm Surge Inundation and Hurricane Strike Frequency Map – This interactive map displays worst-case coastal storm surge scenarios and hurricane strike frequencies in your area.
Find Funding with Fed FUNDS (Federal Funding for Utilities (Water/Wastewater) in National Disasters) helps identify pre- and post-disaster funding opportunities and explains how to apply.
Flood Resilience Guide – This easy-to-use tool guides utilities through a four-step process to understand flood risks and identify mitigation options.
Water Utility Response On-The-Go Mobile Website – Access severe weather information, emergency contacts, emergency checklists, damage assessment forms, and ICS resources on your mobile device during an emergency.
Please share these tools with your water utilities. For more information on drinking water tools and resources during natural disasters, please go to gov/waterresilience.