SDWIS Prime Implementation Support and DEI – Outreach News

By L.A. Darnell

SDWIS Prime Implementation Support Contract

The SDWIS Prime Implementation Support contract is now in place. We have a two-contractor Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) that Primacy Agencies can use to support SDWIS Prime tasks. Any type of technical support can be requested as long as there is a SDWIS Prime link to the requested work. (flowing data from Prime data, pushing data to Prime, building Rest Apis to/from Prime, building a database or warehouse containing Prime data, transition to the system, interfacing application work, training development….etc…etc)

The contractors are: Eastern Research Group (ERG) – GEC & Cadmus are subcontractors for ERG; and Peridot.

Primacy Agencies that want to have work done on the BPA will need to submit a Statement of Work (SOW), and fund the task once one of the two contractors is awarded the work.

Please contact L.A. Darnell at if you are interested in using this contract vehicle.

Data Entry Instruction Update

The Data Entry Instructions (DEI) for RTCR are currently being written. A draft DEI is expected to be delivered for review during March. EPA anticipates that the Final DEI will be delivered at the end of April.