EPA Proposes UCMR 4
As reported to states earlier in the week, EPA has proposed the design for the fourth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 4), which generates data on the occurrence of unregulated contaminants in drinking water, the number of people potentially being exposed, and an estimate of the levels of that exposure. UCMR 4 identifies analytical methods for water system monitoring for a total of 30 contaminants/groups, consisting of ten cyanotoxins/groups, two metals, eight pesticides plus one pesticide manufacturing byproduct, three brominated haloacetic acid groups of disinfection byproducts, three alcohols, and three semi-volatile organic chemicals. Implementation and monitoring activities for these chemicals are expected to take place from 2017-2021. UCMR information is the primary source of occurrence and exposure data for the Agency to determine whether or not to regulate these contaminants for the protection of public health.
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