ACWI Climate Workgroup Hears Update on White House National Action Plan
On September 9th, the Advisory Committee on Water Information’s Water Resources Adaptation to Climate Change Workgroup held a webinar to provide an update on the development of the next version of the President’s National Action Plan: Priorities for Managing Freshwater Resources in a Changing Climate. The plan was first published in October 2011. It was developed by a Federal agency task force in coordination with stakeholders. The plan provides an overview of the challenges a changing climate presents for the management of the nation’s freshwater resources and describes actions that Federal agencies will take to help freshwater resource managers ensure adequate water supplies and protect water quality and public health. During the webinar, representatives of Federal agencies noted that most of the actions in the 2011 plan had now been taken and that the updated version will focus on three priority areas: 1) data, research and vulnerability assessments; 2) policy, planning, and decision support; and 3) training and outreach. The agencies expect to publish the draft document this winter and the final updated version of the plan by spring 2016.