Climate Adaptation Training for Local Governments
EPA has released a new, online Climate Adaptation Training for Local Governments. The training module is designed to help local public officials, municipal staff, and community leaders prepare for the impacts that climate change may have on the services they provide to their communities. It includes examples of effective resilience strategies that have been successfully implemented in several cities and towns across the nation, and it also provides information and resources to help local government officials get started with adaptation planning in their own communities. While not devoted solely to water, the module does include a section on water and wastewater services and impacts.
The training module was developed through EPA’s Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations with advice from EPA’s Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC). It is available online It will also be accessible through the U.S. Climate Resiliency Toolkit: A training module flyer is attached below that you may find useful in sharing these materials.
ATTACHMENT – Training Module Flyer – Final