CUPSS Training Webinar Series

Our Check Up Program for Small Systems (CUPSS) colleagues at EPA are planning three CUPSS training events for those new to the program as well as those hoping for a refresher on the latest and greatest CUPSS training techniques.  These three sessions (two hours each, one week apart) will consist of comprehensive training on how to use CUPSS software to implement asset management practices at small water and wastewater systems.  Each session will contain an overview of a CUPSS module, followed by live demonstrations. Participants will receive a CUPSS Trainers Certificate and will be included in the CUPSS Trainers Directory.  The logistics for these three sessions are as follows:
SESSION 1: Setting up CUPSS and My Inventory
DATE:       April 30, 2015,
TIME:      1:00-3:00 PM (eastern)
SESSION 2: My O&M and My Finances
DATE:       May 7, 2015
TIME:        1:00-3:00 PM (eastern)
SESSION 3: My CUPSS Plan, Advanced Features, and Tips for Trainers
DATE:      May 14, 2015
TIME:        1:00-3:00 PM (eastern)
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