EPA’s CRWU Holds Outreach Call on Upcoming Climate Training
EPA’s Climate Ready Water Utilities (CRWU) team held an outreach call this week for national water associations (including ASDWA) and EPA Regions to share information about upcoming climate trainings. During the call, participants were updated on two related but separate EPA efforts to conduct training and outreach that will be taking place this spring and early summer, as follows:
- Utility Climate Training: EPA is continuing its efforts to conduct training for water utilities on long range climate planning using CRWU tools, including the new version 3.0 of the Climate Resilience and Evaluation Tool (CREAT). These two-day trainings have traditionally hosted approximately 30-40 participants from utilities in the surrounding area of the training location. Last year, trainings were held in Regions 1, 2, 3, and 6. This year, EPA expects to conduct four more training workshops – one in Los Angeles, CA, one in the Seattle/Portland area, and two locations that are yet to be determined.
- Train-the-Trainer Workshops on Storm Surge: EPA is also planning to conduct three Train-the-Trainer Workshops that include training on storm surge in the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. The goal of these workshops is to provide training for environmental trainers (including states) rather than specific water utilities. The locations have not yet been determined. However, five general areas are being considered – Mobile, AL, Miami, FL, Nassau, NY, Suffolk, MA and Galveston, TX.
Stay tuned for more information on locations and dates of these training sessions. State drinking water programs will want to plan to attend the workshops being held in their area.