February 13th Webinar: How to Implement and Fund a State Water Loss Control Program: A Georgia Case Study
ASDWA invites you to join us on February 13th from 1:30pm to 3:00pm (eastern time) for a free webinar about Georgia’s state water loss management program, that serves as an example to be replicated by other states. State and EPA drinking water and SRF financing program personnel are encouraged to attend.
Register HERE: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2817501109176570114
Attendees of this webinar will learn about Georgia’s Water Loss Management Program that stemmed from a 2010 law establishing a statewide requirement for water systems (with populations above 3,300) to conduct and submit an annual AWWA Water Audit. To support this requirement, the State used SRF set-aside funds to implement a comprehensive training and technical assistance program for the utilities; conduct quality assurance before the audit submittals; and develop a validation program to provide quality control after the submittals. Attendees of this webinar will gain an understanding of the overall program, why the validation step is so critical in the process, and why posting of results must be done very carefully. During the webinar, attendees will hear from the following speakers:
- Lebone Moeti of the Georgia Drinking Water Program – will share the regulatory perspective on how the auditing mandate has been implemented, including key lessons learned, and how the audit data is being utilized.
- Will Jernigan, the Georgia Water Loss Control Committee Chair – will share how the Committee was established; how they are serving as an ongoing resource to reinforce the business behaviors and keep the annual audits relevant; and how they are guiding efficiency improvements.
- Jason Bodwell, Georgia’s SRF Program Manager – will share how they have leveraged this training and technical assistance to enhance their SRF Loan Program.