STC3 Regroups after Hiatus
On December 15th, the State and Tribal Climate Change Council (STC3) met via conference call to get the group back together after a lengthy hiatus while EPA worked on finalizing its adaptation plans. Representatives from ASDWA (WA, MD, NC, and ASDWA staff), GWPC (NH), and ACWA (NC) participated in the call. During the call, EPA representatives provided the following updates and information:
- The Agency’s Climate Adaptation Plans have been published.
- The EPA Office of Water (OW) and Regional plans are based on the 2012 Strategy document that OW continues to use to implement its priority actions. OW will continue to develop yearly priorities and progress reports on its implementation activities, and will engage states in these processes. OW’s primary activities include:
- Incorporating climate change considerations into SRF programs, NPDES permits, green infrastructure needs, water quality criteria and standards, water quality planning;
- Developing and piloting the new web-enabled version of CREAT for water and wastewater utilities; and
- Expanding the WaterSense program and increasing its members.
For next steps, EPA Region VI is updating the Sanitary Survey Learners Guide to include climate questions, and OW is working on some potential new climate change Program Activity Measures for the FY 16-17 Biannual National Water Program Guidance, as well as an addendum for FY 14-15. The next call of the STC3 is expected to be held in February 2015.