Fillable COOP Template for Labs Now Available

Many of you will remember that last September, ASDWA and EPA’s Water Lab Alliance Team cohosted a webinar on Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs) appropriate for water laboratories. One of the highlights of that event was EPA’s announcement that they were working on a fillable form that labs could use when designing their COOPs.

EPA’s Water Security Division is excited to announce that the fillable COOP Template for Drinking Water and Wastewater Laboratories is now available for download at This template streamlines the process of creating COOPs through the inclusion of features such as autofill, drop-down boxes, and fillable tables. An accompanying Factsheet and Instructions document with examples is also available online.

For those of you who could not participate in the September event, EPA will be hosting another webcast that focuses on the benefits of laboratory COOPs in January.

DATE: January 15, 2015

TIME:   1:00-2:00PM (eastern)


If you have any questions about the COOP Template, COOPs for labs, or the next webcast, please email