New SDWIS Prime Newsletter
The newest SDWIS Prime newsletter, The Prime Times, has just been released. It starts with an update on transition activities and includes information on the business analysis which is what takes the basic needs and turns them into “user stories” and even screen mock ups to support future development sprints. You can read a discussion of data latency and its impact on operations and interfacing applications. Also in this issue, there is a detailed article about how to set alerts so you can keep track of all the information on the EPA SharePoint site. Finally, a report on the conversion software project for RTCR is included.
The full Prime Times is attached to this Weekly Update. But, you don’t need to wait for this compiled version to get all the latest Prime news. You can sign up to the news blog and get the articles as they are written. Go to the SDWIS Prime blog and subscribe using the field on the right side of the page.
Attachment: AugSept2014SDWISPrimeTimes