New GeoHealth Newsletter Highlights Many Drinking Water Related Issues
he United States Geological Survey (USGS) has just released a new Geo Health Newsletter. This periodic newsletter covers various USGS studies and reports that have a health connection, and includes summary reports and links to detailed studies and background data. While many of the studies are local, the findings have national implications.
In the current issue, USGS reports on many activities that will be of interest to state drinking water programs. There is a study on the factors affecting the vulnerability of public water wells to contamination. Other reports related to ground water examine a lack of contamination in a shale drilling area in Arkansas, methane in wells in New York, and a technique to track uranium contaminated ground water. On the surface water side, there is a report on toxicity of sediments in urban storm water in Wisconsin. Two articles identify areas in California where various pesticides have been measured. Another covers harmful algal blooms in Illinois lakes. This issue also includes information about a new hexavalent chromium assessment in Illinois. Finally, the newsletter describes upcoming meetings and has links for recent publications.
You can access the Newsletter on the USGS Environmental Health Science web page.