EPA to Host Two Climate Webinars
Establishing Regional Monitoring Networks to Detect Climate Change-Related Trends: On May 28th from 12:00-1:00 pm (eastern), EPA will host a webinar that will discuss the regional monitoring networks; how the sites were selected; the biological, temperature and flow data being collected; the methods being used; plans for sharing the data; and possible avenues for future research. Space is limited and on a first come, first served basis. For more information and to register, visit: http://www2.epa.gov/water-research/water-research-webinar-series.
EPA Webinar for Water Utilities on Financing Climate Adaptation: On May 28th, from 1:00-2:15 pm (eastern), EPA’s Climate Ready Water Utilities Initiative will host a webinar on how different water utilities around the country are effectively financing and implementing adaptation strategies. To register, visit: https://www.thetestportal.com/crwuwebinarseries4.