EPA Webinar on DWSRF Set-Asides
As a part of EPA’s “Strengthening DWSRF Financial Integrity” webinar series, a webinar on Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds (DWSRF) set-asides will be held, on Thursday, May 15th as follows:
Time: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM, Eastern Time
Presenters: Laura Cossa, SRF Coordinator, EPA Region 5; Sabre Germano, SRF Coordinator, EPA Region 7
Link: https://epa.connectsolutions.com/dwsrf-set-asides
Questions: Nick Chamberlain at chamberlain.nick@epa.gov
The webinar will include ideas about how states can creatively and effectively use the set-asides. Presenters will go over the basics of each set-aside and showcase strategic methods of using these authorities in tandem with a state’s infrastructure loan program.
All managers and staff involved in DWSRF and PWSS operations in the states and EPA Regions are encouraged to attend.
Attachment — DWSRF Set-Asides Webinar Flyer
Attachment — Participant Guide