EPA Hosts Preparedness Tools & Resources Webinar
EPA’s Water Security Division invites you to attend a “Free Preparedness Tools & Resources for Drinking Water and Wastewater” webinar on May 6. The goal of the webinar is to increase drinking water and wastewater awareness of EPA’s no-cost resources and tools that can assist utilities in becoming more resilient to “all hazards.” Two speakers from DC Water and Fairfax Water will share their experiences and recommendations on using USEPA tools to increase preparedness.
DATE: Tuesday, May 6
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
REGISTER: https://www.thetestportal.com/freeEPAresources
This event is open to water and wastewater utilities, technical assistance providers, and state drinking water and wastewater program staff. If you have questions about this event, please contact Karen Edwards, EPA WSD, at 202-564-3797.