Climate Change and Water News from EPA
ASDWA selected the following articles from the March 20th edition of EPA’s bi-weekly “Climate Change and Water News” electronic newsletter.
NOAA Announces Coastal Resilience Networks Grant Proposals
NOAA is soliciting grant proposals to enhance the resilience of coastal communities to natural hazard and climate risks in the U.S. Pacific Islands, the Gulf of Mexico Coast, and the West Coast. Proposals should provide beneficial public outcomes for coastal communities related to addressing risks to the natural environment, infrastructure, local economies, and vulnerable populations. Proposals must include a range of partners from various institutions, disciplines, and sectors at the local, state, and federal level. Eligible funding applicants are: regional authorities, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, and state, territorial, and county/local governments. Applications are due by April 11, 2014. To learn more, visit the web site HERE.
Report Released on Reducing Climate Risks with Natural Infrastructure
The Nature Conservancy’s California Program has released a report entitled, “Reducing Climate Risks with Natural Infrastructure,” that evaluates nine green infrastructure case studies in California and makes a case for conservation as an effective tool to reduce risks of a changing climate. Each case study improves flood or coastal protection, provides habitat and preserves or restores the natural dynamics between water and land. The report reviews the available data on the costs and benefits of each case and, where possible, compares this information with the costs and benefits of a gray alternative at the same site. To view the report, visit the web site HERE.
White House Launches Climate Data Initiative
The Obama Administration has launched the Climate Data Initiative to leverage the Federal government’s extensive, freely-available climate-relevant data resources to stimulate innovation and private-sector entrepreneurship in support of national climate-change preparedness. Initially, in this pilot phase, data and resources related to coastal flooding, sea level rise, and their impacts can be found. Over time, users will be able to find additional data and tools relevant to other important climate-related impacts, including risks to human health, the food supply, and energy infrastructure. For more information, visit the web site at: and view the fact sheet HERE.