New Website on Fluoride

The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Children’s Dental Campaign and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) launched a new website this week to provide high quality, evidence-based information on community water fluoridation, I Like My Teeth. The new site aims to assist individuals with a personal or professional interest in water fluoridation in accessing scientific research, videos, infographics, social media posts, and other resources related to water fluoridation. In addition, the site provides information to ensure individuals who have questions about fluoride’s safety and effectiveness can easily find answers to their concerns.  Together, Pew and AAP manage the Campaign for Dental Health, a coalition of more than 50 state, local, and national organizations that are working together on issues related to community water fluoridation. For more information on the Campaign for Dental Health or for questions about the website, please contact Kristen Mizzi, with the Pew Children’s Dental Campaign, at
This site is intended as a comprehensive source of factual information about fluoridation for the public and also to support state and local agencies who become involved in fluoridation issues.  When the new recommended fluoride level is finalized by CDC, the site will be updated to include information about why the level was reduced and what that means to consumers and water system operators.  ASDWA has been keeping track of the Campaign for Dental Health and other activities related to fluoride through participation in the “Fluoride Partners” organized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).