Want to be a CUPSS Trainer?

Please consider registering for the Train-the-Trainer webinars as part of the Check Up Program for Small Systems (CUPSS).  This 6-hour webinar presentation will consist of comprehensive training on how to use the CUPSS software to implement asset management practices at small water and wastewater systems.  Each session will contain an overview of a CUPSS module, followed by live demonstrations.  This training closely follows the CUPSS Users Guide and the Self-Paced Training lessons available at www.epa.gov/cupss.

AND…when you successfully complete all three training webinars and assignments, you will be added to the Trainers Directory on the EPA website.

Session 1: Setting up CUPSS and My Inventory

DATE:  September 4, 2013

TIME:  1:00-3:00pm ET

REGISTER:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/331786781669442816

Session 2: My O&M and My Finances

DATE:  September 18, 2013

TIME:  1:00-3:00pm ET

REGISTER:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8782988295011554816

Session 3: My CUPSS Plan, Advanced Features, and Tips for Trainers

DATE:  October 2, 2013

TIME:  1:00-3:00pm ET

REGISTER:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1510388479854644992


Questions?  Please contact cupss@epa.gov