March 6 Webcast on Water Quality Exchange Tool

EPA is holding a webcast on March 6th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST to explain how tribes, volunteer monitoring organizations, and others can enter their water quality monitoring data into EPA’s Water Quality Exchange (WQX) and make the data available to the public via the water quality portal.  The webcast will focus on simple methods smaller organizations can use to transfer their water quality data into WQX. WQX provides a framework for users with small data sets to upload and store their data to EPA’s STORET data warehouse and share water quality monitoring data online. The webcast will help water quality program managers, data managers, and others understand WQX, how it relates to STORET and the water quality portal, and how to begin submitting data using WQX.  For more information and to register for the webinar, please visit: