EPA Launches Updated AWOP Website
EPA has recently opened a revised website for the Area-Wide Optimization Program (AWOP). The site provides more up-to-date information about the optimization program. As described on the site, AWOP provides tools and approaches for drinking water systems to meet water quality optimization goals and provide an increased — and sustainable — level of public health protection to their consumers. AWOP can also be utilized to provide compliance assistance through optimization — often directed towards small- and medium-sized systems. The program teaches problem solving skills to improve operations at drinking water systems rather than focusing on costly capital improvements.
The optimization goals are more stringent than the regulations; thus, states choose whether to participate in AWOP and realize the many benefits the program provides. Currently four EPA regions implement multi-state (“Area Wide”) optimization programs including nearly 20 active state optimization programs. Additional detailed information about AWOP is provided on the site are as follows:
- Basic Information – describes components of AWOP and the water quality focus
- Benefits – describes the multiple benefits of participating in AWOP
- Participants – describes the organizations that participate in AWOP
All of this information may be accessed on the EPA AWOP website. ASDWA also provides general information on AWOP and support for participating states on the ASDWA AWOP page.