EPA Issues Clean Water SRF Green Project Reserve Highlights
EPA is releasing a suite of materials highlighting the innovative approaches states have used to successfully implement projects that address green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency, or other environmentally-innovative activities using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund’s (CWSRF) Green Project Reserve. The Green Project Reserve requires all CWSRF programs to direct a portion of their capitalization grant toward projects that address green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency, or other environmentally-innovative activities. While these type of projects have always been eligible for CWSRF financing, the reserve originated with the American Recovery Act of 2009 (ARRA) when it was signed into law on February 17, 2009. The reserve requirement has become a part of all subsequent CWSRF appropriations.
For more information: http://water.epa.gov/grants_funding/cwsrf/Green-Project-Reserve.cfm.