LT2ESWTR Uncovered Finished Water Reservoirs Public Meeting

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a public meeting on April 24, 2012, concerning information that may inform the regulatory review of the uncovered finished water reservoir requirement in the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2 rule). At this meeting, EPA will provide background information on the LT2 rule’s uncovered finished water reservoir requirement and the agency’s Six Year Review process. EPA also plans to discuss and solicit public input on data and information related to microbial occurrence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, viruses, and other pathogens/indicators in uncovered finished water reservoirs; public health risks; strategies to control or remove contaminants in uncovered finished water reservoirs; and potential assessment approaches to determine the effectiveness of these control and/or removal strategies. The primary focus of this meeting is to have a scientific and technical discussion related to uncovered finished water reservoirs. EPA will consider the data and/or information discussed at this meeting during the agency’s review of the LT2 rule, which the agency announced as part of EPA’s Retrospective Review Plan under Executive Order (E.O.) 13563 in August 2011. Ed Hallock (DE) will officially represent ASDWA on a panel of experts during the meeting. ASDWA staff will also attend the meeting and report on the content, but states may want to participate in person or by teleconference for their own information.

The public meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Eastern Time). The public meeting will be held at the EPA East Building, Room 1153, 1201 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460.

Individuals planning to participate in the public meeting must register for the meeting by email at no later than April 20, 2012. Teleconferencing will be available for individuals unable to attend the meeting in person. EPA will do its best to include all those interested, but may have to limit attendance due to room and/or teleconference size limitations and therefore urges people to register early. When registering, please include your full name, organization, phone number, and email address in the body of the email message and indicate whether you would be participating in person or via teleconference. Teleconference information will be emailed to registered participants in advance of the meeting.