New Launch

The White House has launched its latest initiative to increase transparency in government. “” has been updated and streamlined to allow anyone to search for regulations open for revision or comment with just a few clicks of their mouse. Entering “drinking water” as a search term returns about 47,000 listings relating to all Federal Agencies and the status of rules – in place, proposed, and under revision.

You can also filter your search by clicking on one or more descriptive categories. For example, adding “environment” and “health” categories reduced the number of drinking water results to just over 1,000. You can also search and sort by date and rule status. Once you locate your rule of choice, you can quickly view its posting date, document ID, and the pertinent Federal Agency – all laid out in a chart format. You are also able to make a comment and review the docket folder. The new website organizes rules into 10 general categories; integrates social media sites; and also offers a detailed explanation of the regulatory process. To take a look, go to