EPA Seeking Members for the National Environmental Education Advisory Council
EPA is currently seeking to fill eleven vacancies on the National Environmental Education Advisory Council (NEEAC). The NEEAC advises EPA on issues related to environmental education, much like the National Drinking Water Advisory Council advises the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water on drinking water issues. State drinking water program staff with expertise in training would be good candidates for the NEEAC as well as educators the have been good partners with the drinking water program.
The National Environmental Education Act requires that the Council be comprised of eleven members appointed by EPA’s Administrator. Members represent a balance of perspectives, professional qualifications, and experience. The Act specifies that members must represent the following sectors: primary and secondary education (one of whom shall be a classroom teacher) — two members; colleges and universities — two members; business and industry — two members; non-profit organizations involved in environmental education — two members; state departments of education and natural resources — one member each; senior Americans — one member. Members are chosen to represent various geographic regions of the country, and the Council strives for a diverse representation. The professional backgrounds of Council members should include education, science, policy, or other appropriate disciplines. Each member of the Council shall hold office for a one to three year period. Members are expected to participate in up to two meetings per year and monthly or more conference calls per year. Members of the Council will receive compensation and allowances, including travel expenses, at a rate fixed by the Administrator.
EPA seeks candidates with demonstrated experience and/or knowledge in any of the following environmental education issue areas: (a) Integrating environmental education into state and local education reform and improvement; (b) state, local and tribal level capacity building; (c) cross-sector partnerships; (d) leveraging resources for environmental education; (e) design and implementation of environmental education research; (f) evaluation methodology; professional development for teachers and other education professionals; and targeting under-represented audiences, including low-income, multi-cultural, senior citizens and other adults.
Applications should be submitted by January 15, 2012. You can obtain more details on the request, including information on where to submit applications, from the December 15th Federal Register notice available here.