Dr. Oz Show Highlights Drinking Water Issues
The Dr. Oz Show, a syndicated TV show appearing on many commercial stations in the afternoon, featured the EPA Administrator this week. The segment was entitled, “How Safe is Your Tap Water?” The segment covers major threats to drinking water including arsenic, fluoride, mercury, and PPCPs. Administrator Jackson stresses the high percentage of the population that gets water that meets all health standards but she also points out attempts to roll back the progress we have made in protecting the environment. The segment also advises the public to use Envirofacts and the Consumer Confidence Report to learn about their own drinking water. A link to the archived video is under the Tuesday December 20 episode listing on the show’s main web page at http://www.doctoroz.com. Another link to the show’s website (http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/how-safe-your-drinking-water) includes related video segments shown previously from a series called “Is Your Water Causing Cancer?”. (Unfortunately, like the live show, all the archived video contains commercials.)