Water and Energy Nexus Technology Innovation Forum
EPA and the Wright Brothers Institute (WBI) invite you to participate in a Water and Energy Nexus Technology Innovation Forum on October 5, 2011, in Dayton, and October 6, 2011, in Cincinnati. The purpose of this forum is to provide information about innovative and state-of-the-art energy conserving and generating technology in the water field. This event will provide an opportunity for researchers and regional stakeholders to learn more about promising technologies for water reclamation to conserve or provide renewable energy.
The first day of the forum will be held at the WBI Innovation and Collaboration Center in Dayton, Ohio. The second day will be held at the EPA Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. The agenda will be the same for both days of the forum. Seating is limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register at http://www.scgcorp.com/WaterAndEnergy2011/. Additional information will be available soon on the registration Web site.