Save the Date for the 2012 Data Management Users Conference
The State-EPA Data Management Users Conference (DMUC) will be held on May 8-11, 2012 in St. Louis, Missouri at the Hilton Ballpark Hotel. The meeting will bring together state and EPA data managers, information technology specialists, and program managers to discuss a wide array of topics surrounding the need to have high quality data to support the national drinking water program. The May 2012 meeting will come at a critical time in the development of the next generation of the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS Next Gen) and there will be much to discuss. The overall logistics for the meeting will be as follows:
May 8: Committee meetings in the morning; DMUC begins in the afternoon
May 9: DMUC all day
May 10: DMUC all day
May 11: DMUC concludes at noon
Please block out this time on your calendars and plan to join us in St. Louis for this important conference. We’ll provide more details about the conference as we get a bit closer to the time.