HR 2018 Passes the House
On Wednesday, the House passed the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act (HR 2018) designed to “…amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to preserve the authority of each state to make determinations relating to the state’s water quality standards…” ASDWA shared a preliminary “head’s up” with states about this bill on July 11.
Despite support for the measure in the House, the Administration has threatened to veto the legislation…”because it would significantly undermine the Clean Water Act and could adversely affect public health, the economy, and the environment.”
The bill affects the permitting process for both NPDES and CWA Section 404 Dredge & Fill requirements. In general, it precludes EPA’s ability to supersede any state’s water quality standards, permits, and enforcement; negates EPA’s ability to overturn Army Corps dredge and fill decisions related to mining; and institutes a deadline by which EPA must comment on such permits submitted to the Corps.
As reported earlier, despite House passage, there does not appear to be companion legislation in the Senate.