EPA Seeking Panelists for SAB Drinking Water Committee
EPA is looking for a diverse range of qualified candidates to be considered for the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC). The SAB advises EPA on scientific and technical matters. It provides peer review and other types of expert advice on a wide range of topics in science and technology. The Drinking Water Committee focuses on drinking water issues. Currently, the DWC is considering issues related to lead service line replacement and in recent years, they have addressed the aircraft drinking water rule, CCL3, and issues related to the Total Coliform Rule revisions.
The SAB Staff Office is seeking nominations of experts to serve on the DWC in the following disciplines: microbiology; epidemiology; public health; and environmental engineering. States may wish to nominate internal staff with expertise in these areas or may nominate outside experts that you rely on for advice on scientific and technical matters. The new appointments will begin in October 2011.
We invite you to nominate candidates for these committees and to share this request with others. Here is the link to the Federal Register Notice requesting nominations: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-04-15/pdf/2011-9212.pdf. This notice includes additional information about the nominations process. You can also go directly to the nomination page HERE. To see the current list of DWC members you may visit the SAB site HERE.